Maritime tourism Spain:
Maritime tourism will become one of the safest leisure activities in the summer of 2020. The first phase of the lockdown exit began on May 11.. From this point on, recreational boating as a sporting and nature-oriented leisure activity can be reopened gradually and under the guidelines of the health authorities.
The complete reopening is expected to take place in mid-June.
ANEN (National Association of Nautical Companies Spain) reports: “On proposal of ANEN, sea tourism is on the table of the Ministery of Industry, Trade and Tourism as one of the leisure activities that offers users the highest guarantee of safety and hygiene compared to other tourist areas during COVID. From ANEN, we appeal to the responsibility of the entire nautical community to respect the restictions set for each moment, as well as the safety, hygiene and prevention measures, in order to overcome the proposed phase.
So it is currently possible for us to carry out work on boats and to continue the high level of mantainance. Furthermore, our Lava Chandlers Shop is now opening up again with new opening hours from MO – DO: 10:00 – 15:00 and FR: 10:00 – 14:00.
The easing of restrictions and the gradual return to normality in the nautical sector are good progress for the industry. The prerequisite for this is, of course, compliance with safety, hygiene and prevention measures.
The question that arises, however, is still the limited mobility and non-happening flights. What is the current situation in the aviation industry? When will passenger flights take place again? And how will they be organized? What are the requirements after returning?
It is currently rumoured that the season will reopen in Greece and Croatia at the end of May. However, according to current meaures, one would have to remain in quarantine for two weeks after returning. Conflicts between charter companies and guests can of course arise here, because the charter is possible, but hardly any employer will welcome the fact that the quarantine requirements have to be complied with afterwards. How accommondating charter companies are will be revealed. It will become clear, however, that quality and trustworthy charter companies are more valuable than cheap discounts for bookings, which then cannot be perceived at all. Communication is everything to find a suitable solution for both sides and above all it is important to master the current situation together. It is quite simple: without charter companies no charter holiday, without satisfied guests no charter companies, as Öttinger once said: “We are all sitting in the same boat!” But when will we actually be back on the plane to the Canary Islands? This is a really good and difficult question to answer. The latest news can be found at the following link:
We will keep you informed and wish you and your loved ones health!
Fair winds,