New data of entry requirements:
On May 30, 2020, the Spanish Ministry of Tourism announced that international tourism in the Canary Islands should be possible again from June 22, 2020. For the beginning, however, the entry permit is only valid for tourists from Germany, France and Scandinavia. For tourists from other countries, however, the 1. July 2020 is the deadline.
Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has announced:”From July, the reception of foreign tourists will be resumed under safe conditions. We will guarantee that the tourists will not take any risks and that they will not cause any risks for us.”
What are the current quarantine regulations?
According to current government plans, tourists should no longer have to be quarantined when they travel to the Canary Islands. The quarantine obligation, which has been in force since May 15, 2020,is gonna be repealed by July 1, 2020.
Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez plans to extend the alert for another 2 weeks. It is decided that it will last until June 7, 2020. Now another, probably last, extension is now being planned for until June 21,2020 .
New schedules:
Flights from Germany are scheduled to commence again on July 1st. A list with the exact flight schedule for other European countries can be found under the following link:
Interviews with Valentina and David about the transfer of our yachts “Tortuga” and “Camino”:
Valentina and David from the team LAVA CHARTER dared to take part in a transfer from Tenerife to Lanzarote! The two have little sailing experience and tell us about their experiences while sailing. What was special for her was the sailing without stops, the night sailing and the distance to the coast. 260 nautical miles with our Dufour 382 and Dufour 412.
We wish you the best, health and strength! We hope to see you on Lanzarote as soon as possible. Your welcome beer is of course already cold and eagerly waiting for you!
Fair winds,